Yoga Terms: A Comprehensive Sanskrit to English Translation
Essential Yoga Terms: A Comprehensive Sanskrit to English Translation Dictionary
Introduction to Yoga Terms and Their Sanskrit to English Translations
Understanding key yoga terms is essential for uncovering the more profound meaning and tradition behind yoga practice. This dictionary offers a comprehensive reference for important Sanskrit words commonly used in yoga, providing their Sanskrit to English translation and meanings. Sanskrit, the ancient language of yoga, holds profound insights that guide practitioners toward physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. By learning these terms, yoga students and teachers can deepen their connection to the practice and understand the philosophical principles that support it.
Whether you are exploring concepts like pranayama (breath control), asana (posture), or samadhi (ecstasy), this guide will help you navigate the rich vocabulary of yoga. Use this dictionary to enhance your understanding of yoga’s spiritual and practical dimensions by grasping the precise meanings behind its sacred terminology.
Note: If you are specifically looking for how to translate yoga poses, we recommend reading our dedicated article on Sanskrit Yoga Poses: How to Translate Asanas and Why for more detailed guidance.
Understanding key Yoga Terms and their Sanskrit to English Translation is essential
Key Words in Yoga: A Sanskrit to English Translation Guide
A – Yoga Terms
Ashrama (“where effort is made”): A hermitage or retreat; also refers to the four stages of life: brahmacharya (student), grihastha (householder), vanaprastha (forest dweller), and sannyasa (renunciate).
Ashta-anga-yoga, Ashtanga-yoga (“eight-limbed union”): The eightfold yoga of Patanjali, consisting of moral discipline (yama), self-restraint (niyama), posture (asana), breath control (pranayama), sensory withdrawal (pratyahara), concentration (dharana), meditation (dhyana), and ecstasy (samadhi), leading to liberation (kaivalya).
Asmita (“I-am-ness”): A term in Patanjali’s eight-limbed yoga that is synonymous with the ego (ahamkara).
Atman (“Self”): Our true identity is The transcendental Self or Spirit, which is eternal and superconscious. A distinction is sometimes made between the atman (individual self) and the parama-atman (transcendental Self); cf. brahman, see also purusha.
Avadhuta (“he who has shed [everything]”): A radical renunciate (sannyasin) who often engages in unconventional behavior.
Avidya (“ignorance”): The root cause of suffering (duhkha), the veil of ignorance that hides the true nature of reality; also called ajnana; cf. vidya.
Ayurveda, Ayur-veda (“life science”): One of India’s traditional systems of medicine, alongside South India’s Siddha medicine.
B – Yoga Terms
C – Yoga Terms
Citta (“that which is conscious”): Ordinary consciousness or mind, as opposed to the superconscious cit.
D – Yoga Terms
Deva (“he who is shining”): A male deity representing God or a divine being. Devas include gods such as Shiva, Vishnu, and Krishna. In yoga philosophy, a deva also refers to a high celestial being or angelic figure.
Devi (“she who is shining”): A female deity or goddess representing the feminine aspect of the divine. Major deities include Parvati, Lakshmi, Saraswati, and Durga, symbolizing various forms of divine power and grace.
Dharana (“holding”): Concentration, the sixth limb of Patanjali’s eight-limbed yoga, involving intense focus on a single point as a prerequisite for meditation.
Dhyana (“meditation”): The seventh limb of Patanjali’s eightfold path, referring to the practice of meditation or sustained, focused contemplation. Dhyana involves the continuous flow of concentration on a single object or point of focus, leading to a deep state of absorption and clarity. It is a key step on the path toward samadhi (ecstasy or union).
Dridha (“firmness”): A quality of mind and body developed through asana and pranayama practice.
Duhkha (“bad axle space”): Suffering, a central concept in both yoga and Buddhism, arising from ignorance (avidya) of our true nature.
G – Yoga Terms
H – Yoga Terms
Hiranyagarbha (“Golden Germ”): The cosmic seed from which the universe emerges, also called the Golden Egg.
J – Yoga Terms
K – Yoga Terms
Kriya (“action”): In the context of yoga, refers to a cleansing technique or ritual to purify the body, mind, and spirit. Examples include neti (nasal cleansing) and nauli (stomach churning).
Learning the sanskrit to english translation helps bridge the gap between yoga’s physical and spiritual dimensions
M – Yoga Terms
Manipura-cakra (“jewel city”): The third chakra, located at the solar plexus. It represents personal power, self-esteem, and transformation. Associated with the fire element and the color yellow, it controls willpower, metabolism, and self-confidence.
Moksha (“release”): Liberation from the cycle of birth and death (samsara), often described as the ultimate goal of spiritual practice in yoga.
Moola Bandha (“root lock”): The contraction of muscles in the pelvic floor, often used in pranayama and meditation to redirect energy upward.
Muladhara-cakra (“root support”): The first and foundational chakra, located at the base of the spine. It governs survival instincts, grounding, and physical identity. Associated with the earth element and the color red, it is responsible for our sense of safety and security.
Mudra (“seal”): A symbolic hand or body gesture used in meditation or rituals to direct energy.
N – Yoga Terms
Niyama (“observance”): The second limb of Patanjali’s eightfold path, focusing on personal disciplines and self-restraint. The five niyamas are purity (saucha), contentment (santosha), discipline or austerity (tapas), self-study (svadhyaya), and devotion to the divine (Ishvara-pranidhana). These practices help to purify the mind and body, leading to inner transformation.
P – Yoga Terms
Pratyahara (“withdrawal”): The fifth limb of Patanjali’s eightfold path, referring to the withdrawal of the senses from external objects. In pratyahara, the mind is directed inward, detaching from distractions and focusing on the inner self, preparing for deeper states of meditation. It is considered a bridge between the outer practices (yama, niyama, asana, pranayama) and the inner practices (dharana, dhyana, samadhi).
Pratyaksha (“direct perception”): A term used in yogic philosophy to describe the direct experience or perception of reality without mental filters.
Purusha (“male”): The transcendental Self or Spirit, pure consciousness, distinct from prakriti (nature).
S – Yoga Terms
Samadhi (“putting together”): The final stage in Patanjali’s eight-limbed yoga, a state of union where the meditator becomes one with the object of meditation. Beyond samadhi lies kaivalya, the ultimate liberation.
Shakti (“power”): The creative, dynamic energy of the universe, often associated with the feminine aspect of the Divine. In Tantra and Kundalini Yoga, Shakti refers to the spiritual energy that lies dormant at the base of the spine.
Shankara: The great 8th-century proponent of Advaita Vedanta, non-dualistic philosophy.
Shanti (“peace”): A state of inner calm, tranquility, and harmony, often invoked in yogic practice and prayers. The word shanti is commonly repeated three times (shanti, shanti, shanti) at the end of prayers or meditation, symbolizing peace in body, mind, and spirit and physical, mental, and spiritual realms.
Sushumna-nadi: The central energy channel in the subtle body through which kundalini-shakti must ascend to achieve full enlightenment.
Svadharma (“one’s duty”): A key concept in the Bhagavad Gita, referring to the individual’s righteous duty according to their nature and position in life.
Svadhishthana-cakra (“one’s abode”): The second chakra, located at the sacral region (below the navel). It governs emotions, creativity, sensuality, and desire. Connected with the water element and the color orange, this chakra influences relationships, pleasure, and adaptability.
Svastha (“established in oneself”): The Sanskrit term for health, referring not only to physical well-being but to a state of balance and harmony within the body, mind, and spirit. Derived from sva (self) and stha (to be established), it implies being centered, whole, and harmonious with one’s true nature.
T – Yoga Terms
Tapas (“heat”): Austerity or disciplined practice, often associated with self-discipline and purification, necessary for spiritual growth.
Tattva (“thatness”): A principle or category of existence, such as ahamkara, buddhi, and manas; refers to the fundamental nature of reality.
U – Yoga Terms
V – Yoga Terms
Y – Yoga Terms
Yoga (“union”): A spiritual discipline and practice to achieve union with the ultimate reality or divine. The term derives from the root yuj, meaning “to yoke” or “to join,” and represents the harmonization of body, mind, and spirit. It encompasses a wide range of practices, including physical postures (asana), breath control (pranayama), ethical guidelines (yama and niyama), meditation (dhyana), and concentration (dharana). There are many paths of yoga, including Bhakti Yoga (the path of devotion), Jnana Yoga (the path of knowledge), Karma Yoga (the path of selfless action), and Raja Yoga (the royal path of meditation).
Understanding Yoga Terms Through Sanskrit to English Translation
Incorporating Sanskrit to English translations of crucial yoga terms into your practice deepens your understanding of yoga’s philosophical roots and enhances your connection to its transformative power. Sanskrit is the ancient language of yoga, and knowing the meanings behind commonly used words like asana, pranayama, and samadhi enriches not just your physical practice but your mental and spiritual journey as well. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned practitioner, learning these terms helps bridge the gap between yoga’s physical and spiritual dimensions.
Using this dictionary as a resource can bring more awareness to your practice and develop a greater appreciation for the wisdom behind this ancient tradition. Let this Sanskrit to English Translation guide serve as a stepping stone to exploring the profound insights of the Sanskrit language, bringing clarity and depth to your yoga journey.
Sources: Learn Sanskrit
Kevin Parenteau
He is a long-time Ashtanga and Yin Yoga Practitioner. Vipassana Meditator, Yoga teacher,
And all-around Yoga Nerd.
Writes on Yoga Asana Practice, Meditation, Chakras, Yoga Education and Philosophy
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