The Complete Guide To Jathara Parivartanasana
The Complete Guide To Jathara Parivartanasana
As the Sanskrit name suggest the Jathara Parivartanasana translates into abdomen and revolved, respectively. It is a supine posture in the realm of yoga, in which you have to twist the abdomen while lying down on the ground. You can engage your body in the twisted position or revolved position, by bending your legs to any one side of the body. The legs rest on the floor, while you have to turn your neck towards the other side.
If you practice this asana on a regular basis, you will be able to tone the back and the abdomen. It also helps the body secrete the feel-good hormones. You can add this posture after a strenuous yoga session, or at the end of the day. Many people also call it the Abdomen Twist pose.
You must follow a few guidelines that will enable you to do the asana perfectly.
Steps To Do Jathara Parivartanasana
You have to start in supine position. Elongate the spine and the legs, as much as you can.
In the very next step, you must stretch the hands on both sides of the body at the level of the shoulders, with the palms facing down towards the floor. The body assumes a T-shape in this case.
You have to lift the legs off the floor, bend them at the knee and then place the feet on the floor.
You have to exhale and then move the legs joined together from the waist, towards the right side.
At the same time, you have to turn your neck and face towards the left side. You have to hold the position for a few counts.
While inhaling, lift the legs off the floor, and turn your head to the centre. Keep the knees bent and facing the ceiling.
In the next instance, exhale and lower the bent legs towards the left side. Turn the head towards the right. You must hold the posture for some time.
Inhale and raise the bent legs and bring the head back to the centre.
Your feet should be firmly placed on the ground.
Finally, you have to stretch the legs and then place the hands on both sides of the body. You can relax in this position.
You should ensure to perform such asanas, under the watchful eyes of the teacher. It is important for you to learn yoga under a good yoga school in India. The best teachers will teach you some preparatory postures, which will make you ready to perform the final pose.
How Can You Start Practicing Jathara Parivartanasana As A Beginner?
Most often, beginners have a problem, getting into such important postures that require spinal twists. Your shoulders should be touching the floor, at all times. You can also avoid turning the head, if your neck feels stiff. You can get proper guidance to do such postures, if you enroll yourself in a registered yoga school in India.
You can also get assistance from props. Some yoga practitioners feel ashamed to use them, but they are actually very beneficial.
You can use blocks between the knees while turning your legs towards the floor. This will help in balancing the lower back and the sacrum. You can rotate the lower back in a better manner if you squeeze the block between the knees.
Using a folded blanket under the hips and pelvis, while lifting the knees towards the chest. You can also stop yourself from getting hurt if you have some support under the body.
When you twist the body, and place the knees on the floor, you can use a bolster or cushion. It will enhance the spinal compression.
Contraindications And Precautions
Before starting the practice of intermediate postures, you must keep in mind a few things.
You should not do this asana, if you have injuries on your hips, spine, neck, knees, shoulders, and ankles.
If you had hip or knee replacement surgery recently, then also you should avoid doing this asana.
If you have hernia, then also you should avoid doing this asana.
All women who are pregnant, or have just delivered a baby, must avoid this asana.
If you have any sort of Rheumatic Disorder, then also you should avoid this asana.
If you suffer from arthritis, then you should refrain from doing this asana.
You should observe some precautions as well, while doing this asana. Do not lift the shoulders from the floor, while turning your head towards each side. You must also ensure that your knees are not directly below the pelvic region.
You should also ensure to stack the ankle, knees, and hips, while lowering both your legs to one side.
You should also remember to not lift the upper back, while performing the twist.
If you are a beginner practitioner, you can also do the variations instead of the main asana.
Variations And Modifications
In Jathara Parivartanasana B, you can keep both the legs stretched out, without bending at the knee. It is also called the complete Jathara Parivartanasana.
You can also do the Eka Pada Jathara Parivartanasana. In this asana, you have to bend only one leg, towards the opposite side of the body. The arms will still be stretched towards both sides, at the shoulder level.
You can also do another variation, with the legs twisted against one another.
Benefits Of Jathara Parivartanasana
This is one of the best asanas, which gives a complete stretch to the spine. It also enhances spinal flexibility.
This asana also stretches the buttocks, hamstrings, glutes, and the calves. The mobility of the legs is also positively affected.
You will have to squeeze the abdomen, while doing this pose. The core muscles and the oblique muscles get a good exercise, as a result.
It also helps in enhancing your digestive capabilities.
It also stimulates the Manipura Chakra.
You should practice the asana initially under the supervision of experts. Join a yoga teacher training course for the best results.
The post The Complete Guide To Jathara Parivartanasana appeared first on Yoga Teacher Training in India at Shree Hari School | Certified YTT course.
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